My name is Mariah Sherer. This year I am returning as the 2019 Tri-State Quarter Horse Association Queen. I am the Youth Advisor as well as a member of the Board of the Tri-State Quarter Horse Association. It’s exciting to encourage youth and further the industry through their involvement. During my time as Queen, I have built priceless relationships between people I have met while volunteering at Quarter Horse shows and encouraging younger riders to move forward with dreams to show in the Quarter Horse circuit. One of the experiences that stands out was attending the Level I East Championships for the second year. The enthusiasm for the American Quarter Horse is energizing and demonstrates the commitment to the breed and our industry.
The American Quarter Horse has played such a major role in my development as an individual. Even when things were overwhelming with school or personal matters I could always walk into the barn and realize what really mattered was working with my horse. Representing the industry at different events volunteering my time, is energizing from the amount of joy it brings me. The love that I have for horses and encouraging that same love in others is what drives me through the hard work of becoming Congress Queen.